Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snow Birds and Maine Coons

Good Sunday morning to ya,

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was when I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow.  It really made all the little snow birds pop with color. There were Cardinals, BlueJays, Nuthatches, Wrens and so many others. I know I'm gonna have to stock up on my bird seed.

My trusty companion, Harper, was running all over the place this morning.  Harper is my Maine Coon. She stays inside and tries her very best to charm the birds right through the glass. As I type this, she's on "point", looking out the window. It really is true that Maine Coons are very dog-like!!  I would not be surprised to hear her bark!!

Animals can be such a blessing!

I pray that everyone has a wonderful Sunday. The temperature is dropping. So, don't forget to take a little extra care for your outside pets. Fresh water, warm bedding, delicious chow and bring em in on those super cold nights!!  Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, Harper says "meow."

God Bless~

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